Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Brass & Gomi

It was a Super Tuesday recording session at DJ Gomi's place today.

The track I put keys down for a couple weeks back was ready for some more layers, so Gomi brought down 3 serious pro brass cats.

OK, to be perfectly 100% completely honest, I didn't make it in till the ending bit.. but there wasn't much reason for me to be there other than to snap these couple photos. Trumpet player Tony Kadleck had already composed and scored horn parts and, along with Saxophonist Tom Timko and Trombonist John Wheeler, they played them down bright and poppin.

I mean I barely even spoke. I've grown accustomed to being at the controls, but when you're not the producer you kinda just chill.

More Gomi to come as the track progresses. Happy post election day to yaz, may your candidate win*

*only if your candidate was my candidate


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